Connecting With Archangel Michael

I work very closely with Archangel Michael. Our energies are intertwined on the deepest of levels. I call on him each and every day to protect me from the exhausting thoughts that fill my stress filled brain. When I'm worried about the outcome of a situation, I call in Archangel Michael to clear my thoughts and instantly my mind goes blank. As the thoughts are released my mind finds clarity and discovers peace once more.

Mikey whispers to me often. I can hear him just outside my ear, he whispers gently "It's time to alleviate your fear. Know that everything is going to be okay and I am always near. Find the trust and faith within and I'll help you to steer."

My son Angel even speaks about having visions of Archangel Michael perched atop our house in a Guardian stance, like an Angelic Gargoyle protecting our fortress. He is my son's Guardian Angel and works closely with those who have special needs.

Call on Archangel Michael when you want to bring peace into your life, when you wish to be protected from the chaotic energy of the outside world and when you need to find your own inner strength.

One of my symbols for Archangel Michael is Mickey Mouse and I have a pillow with his image on it in my bed at all times to watch over me while I sleep. At night when I lay my head down he visits me. The glowing outline of an Angel tinted in blue gracefully floats about my room, transparent yet solid he shows me he is here. In these moments of connection I AM at peace and overflowing with a profound gratitude.

Reaching out to your Angels is easy to do, it's the trusting part that takes some time especially if you have had a difficult life and have lost hope along the way.

Over time Archangel Michael has revealed himself to me in many ways and now I know I can fall backwards into his arms and he will always catch me and help to raise me up again.

If you choose to develop your connection to the Angelic Realm and embrace this form of Divine Guidance, beauty and tranquility will flow into you like water from a fresh mountain spring.

You are loved beyond measure.

⚔️ Angel Number: 14 🙏🏼

Psychic Amanda Marquez

August 29, 2020

Artist Credit: Angel Prayers Oracle Deck - Kyle Gray