Recognize Your Triggers

Understand that everything you take into your mind has an affect on your emotional well being. This includes the lyrics to songs which can be triggering in many ways. A single song can alter your mood from happy to sad or even angry. Witness your reactions as you listen to diverse music. Note how you feel and watch how it alters your emotions.

As an Empath there are times where I need to completely remove myself from human language and just chill to a relaxing beat so that my energy does not shift or become compromised by the emotional tone of a singer or the lyrics of a writer. When you feel energy like I do everything has an impact on you and it's important to give yourself moments of silence to reconnect to your very own emotions in order to separate and isolate them from the chaos that is constantly swirling about in the world around you.

Tonight, I bless you with my new favorite genre. Lofi Hip Hop, soft, gentle and relaxing with NO LYRICS. A blessing from the Music Gods themselves. A true treat for your soul.


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