Learn How To Meditate

Even I struggle with an onslaught of thoughts when I meditate on occasion and I have been meditating nightly for atleast 3 years. This happens more often when I'm super stressed or feeling anxious. It can be hard to turn off my thoughts completely so I do my best to roll with whatever comes along. On special occasions my guides will come through and stop my monkey brain in it's tracks, silencing all my thoughts for a brief moment. My mind will go blank and a voice that it is not my own will take over and whisper guidance to me from within. This voice speaks to my heart and reveals information that provides me with insight towards the future and it always sets my mind at ease; soothing my anxiety. I know I am always loved, valued and protected.

I always urge my clients and followers to start a meditation practice of their own. Consistent meditation will allow you to connect with Spirit and introduce you to the energy of your very own Spirit Guides. If you don't notice their energy at first that is okay. Remain consistent and have no expectations of your experience. Each meditation will differ and impart unique wisdom upon you.

Your guides are always with you, as if you are one with their energy. They will make their presence known if you are devoted to enhancing your connection with them.

Gratitude up to my Guides, Angels and Ancestors if it wasn't for you I don't know how I would deal with the bullshit that this world throws my way. You are loved beyond measure and highly revered.

If you are struggling with meditation, check out the new series Headspace on Netflix. It helps you to understand how to meditate and the various forms of meditation and their benefits in a much more scientific format.

Many Blessings

Angel Number: 17

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Credit: Lopoddity
