Our Lady of Guadalupe

Rose Water Blessing

Today, we create a sacred potion derived from the petals of holy roses. The petals are prayed over by our family and left to sit overnight on the alter of our ancestors. They were infused with love prior to entering the simmer pot. We strained the rose water and added golden glitter dust as we chanted a spell to eradicate fear and bring forward joy for the recipients of it's magic. Tonight, the water will be surrounded by the energy of the Holy Mother and The Sacred Heart of Jesus. The blessed water will be fortified by the prayers recited with each glowing prayer candle.

Rose Water Blessings to you all.

Angel Number: 598

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Choose Your Focus

Make the most of your situation. Life is chock full of moments that range from super amazing to mortifying. It's our reactions and our self discipline that will help us through the moments of hell fire. When you find yourself dwelling on the what if's and you don't have clarity take the time to focus on something you can control. Focus on your body, your breath, cleansing your home, loving others/self and uplift your environment through conscious action.

Time will reveal all but in this moment choose happiness and be determined enough to overcome any obstacle that life throws at you.

Miracles & Roses

Angel Number: 32

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Unknown