
Miraculous Blessings - I believe in Miracles

My Guides, Angels and Ancestors truly have my back and today they proved it, yet again. They are the driving force behind miracles in my life and I am so grateful for their support. They make the seemingly impossible, possible. Like God working through Moses, the waves of the Dead Sea part as they clear a path for me. I cry as I write this, gratitude filling my heart.

Never underestimate the power of your loved ones on the other side. They can and will work magic in your life. Trust and allow them to guide you.

My heart is full and I am truly inspired.

Blessings & Miracles to you all!

Angel Number: 5589

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Choose Your Focus

Make the most of your situation. Life is chock full of moments that range from super amazing to mortifying. It's our reactions and our self discipline that will help us through the moments of hell fire. When you find yourself dwelling on the what if's and you don't have clarity take the time to focus on something you can control. Focus on your body, your breath, cleansing your home, loving others/self and uplift your environment through conscious action.

Time will reveal all but in this moment choose happiness and be determined enough to overcome any obstacle that life throws at you.

Miracles & Roses

Angel Number: 32

Psychic Amanda Marquez


Artist Unknown