self love

Butterfly Tears - Nurture Your Inner Child

Take the time to nurture your inner child. Life is full of serious moments and it is up to you to allow yourself time to play. Break out a DIY art kit, plant some flowers & veggies for spring, or dance your heart out to your favorite 80's tune. It's important to let yourself have these precious moments where stress can not touch you. These moments bring you back into alignment with source energy and increase your manifestation skills.

Heading out to enjoy a pizza night with the fam.

Blessings to you all.

Angel Number: 7

Psychic Amanda Marquez

Artist Credit: Camilla Derrico

We're All Mad Here - A Glance in the Looking Glass

We're All Mad Here - A Glance in the Looking Glass

Find your reason, your inspiration and prevail against the odds by choosing your focus and concentrating solely on the beauty that surrounds you. The more you focus the easier it will be too anchor in that spark of light; however miniscule or dim it may appear in this moment; you will allow it to propagate by pure intention. Crusade for the light within because when you look in the mirror you also see your worth! Golden, sparkly and magnificent!