psychic amanda marquez

We're All Mad Here - A Glance in the Looking Glass

We're All Mad Here - A Glance in the Looking Glass

Find your reason, your inspiration and prevail against the odds by choosing your focus and concentrating solely on the beauty that surrounds you. The more you focus the easier it will be too anchor in that spark of light; however miniscule or dim it may appear in this moment; you will allow it to propagate by pure intention. Crusade for the light within because when you look in the mirror you also see your worth! Golden, sparkly and magnificent!

Immortalize Your Loved Ones

Immortalize Your Loved Ones

Hold your loved ones close and appreciate every moment you have together. It's important to remember that those moments are precious. Life is fragile and it can be taken away without notice but our energy never dies it is eternal as is or love for our family. All love withstands the transition of death. Continue to speak to your loved ones even after they have crossed over and you will feel their presence.

Heal and Identify Your Trauma - Spiritual Awakening

Heal and Identify Your Trauma - Spiritual Awakening

Trust in the support of your Guides, Angels & Ancestors for they are always with you. There may be periods of time when you question their presence. You may feel weary, burdened, overwhelmed and alone. It is in these moments that you must push yourself even harder to open up to their love. You do this by softening your heart. Say a prayer, do a meditation, snuggle and hug yourself and whisper quality affirmations to yourself within your mind to break down the barriers and blocks that keep you stuck in fear. Your never alone but you must also strive for the connection that you seek by loving yourself and peeling back the layers you have created to guard your heart from trauma.

Shadow Worker vs Lightworker - Divisiveness in the Spiritual Community

Shadow Worker vs Lightworker - Divisiveness in the Spiritual Community

I have noticed a lot of divisiveness within the Spiritual Community and it's not surprising as all communities share diversity of opinion but it has been notable to me so I will speak on it.

Some want to call themselves "Lightworkers" some want to call themselves "Shadowworkers" some "Lighthouses" etc... whatever label you desire to call yourself remember that we are all human at the end of the day and it is not these labels that define us; rather our actions.